Web designer interview – If you are interested in building a career as a web designer, here are some common questions asked in a web designer interview. To be successful in an interview, you must have a solid knowledge of web page coding and design.

Q1. What languages and platforms are commonly used for website design?

The main languages and platforms used for web design are

– HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language and assists in the design of basic templates.
– CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets and is used to style pages.
– JS stands for JavaScript and is used for coding functionality.
– For server-side scripting, Personal Home Page or PHP is used.

Q2. What is HTML?

HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language and is the most commonly used language for creating web pages and websites.

Q3. What is the role of CSS in web design?

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is necessary for the appearance of a website. CSS helps manage the font styles, sizes, and color combinations needed for a web page. since a web page retrieves and displays data each time, a CSS Since web pages retrieve and display data each time, a single change to a CSS file can change the entire website.

Q4. What are External Style Sheets?

An external style sheet is a document that contains style information for many web pages and HTML files. External CSS is usually linked with a LINK tag that comes under the HEAD element. This external CSS as an element must have an associated extension such as style.css.

Q5. What is the distinction between an HTML element and an HTML tag?

HTML elements are used to communicate with the browser to render text; HTML tags are elements enclosed in square brackets; HTML tags enclose text and are a pair of two; HTML elements are used to render text; HTML tags are used to render text; HTML tags are used to render text; HTML tags are used to render text and are a pair of two; HTML tags are used to render text and are a pair of two.

Q6. What is Semantic HTML?

Semantic HTML refers to a coding style in which tags indicate the semantics of the text they are to convey. For example, bold, italic, etc. Semantic HTML just represents formatting without structure or meaning.

Q7. Explain the term DOCTYPE.

The term DOCTYPE tells the browser what type of HTML must be used on a web page. Browsers use DOCTYPE to determine how a page must be rendered; without DOCTYPE, a page may load in an incorrect mode.

Q8. Distinguish between standard mode and quirks mode.

Quarks mode is a compatibility mode that may differ from one browser to another. Therefore, there will be inconsistencies in appearance from one browser to another. Standard mode is a consistent presentation mode used by all browsers.

Q9. What are the drawbacks of XHTML pages?

XHTML has poor browser support; browsers such as Internet Explorer cannot parse XHTML into XML.

Q10. How many HTML tags are required for a basic HTML page?

A basic HTML page requires the following four HTML tags.





6. As a web designer, what color would you choose when designing the Delete button?

Using a color such as red can make the “Delete” button more noticeable, especially if two buttons are to be displayed simultaneously. In most cases, red is used as a symbol of attention, so it’s a great way to get the user’s attention.

7. What does the grid system mean?

In graphic design, a grid system is a two-dimensional framework for the alignment and arrangement of elements. It is a set of measurements that designers can use to size and align objects in a particular format. It consists of intersecting horizontal and vertical lines that allow content to be arranged on the page. Grids can organize multiple design elements on a site in a visually appealing way, smoothing the flow of users and improving the accessibility and appeal of information and visuals. Grids can also be divided into several subtypes, each with specific uses in web design.